top 10 books for stock market beginners ( Step by Step Books )

Books are the only place where you can get answers to questions you never thought of asking. But most people don’t like reading, but if you’re or going to become an investor, this part of your job.

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1. The little Book about common sense investing by Jack Bogle

Overall: this book will teach you which better for you, trying to beat the market or trying to track the market.

Ps. The author actually started the vanguard index sector.

2. A random walk down Wall Street

Overall: By the end of this book, you’ll start to spot all the scams that are going around today.

For example:
– Day traders: 80% lose money and the ones that makes money, make an average salary, and the ones that make a lot of money, make money teaching it.
– Forex Traders: worst
– Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency ( you’ll hear stories in history how these things turned out )

Ps. The author of this book works for wealth front.

3. One Up on Wall Street
– But by the end of this book, you know exactly what the best people look for in stocks and that you have the ability to find those stocks also

Ps. $10,000 invested with peter would have turned into $280k in 13 years ( that’s insane ) but he retired to spend time with his family

4. Common Stocks And Uncommon Profits
– By this point, you’re seeing patter that to be a value investor or stock picker you need to understand accounting ( so outside of these books that’s something you need to learn)
– However, Philip Fisher is one of the grandfathers of investing and in this book he provides a checklist of 15 things to look at before buying a stock and when to buy and when to sell

Keep in mind:
– There are no crazy formulas or strategic equations
– Its literally checklist 15 items to looks for
– Investing is usually 80% information and maybe 20% math and accounting

Ps. Warren and Charlie Munger owe a lot of their success to Philip and so will I one day.

5. The intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham

However, this book will teach you three things:
– How the stock market works
– How an investor should think
– And how to analize business ( simple not fully )

Overall: this book and always every book by graham get into the how-to investing. So this is when things become more challenging.

6. The interpretation of Financial Statements
– Most important thing for us investors is financial statements
– Because they tell us the story of the business
– But accounting makes it difficult to get a correct story ( because they use little scams to mislead you)

This book:
– Which I’m currently reading
– Will teach you how to really interpret financial statements
– And again accounting skills are important

Ps. Buy some textbooks on accounting and online courses, you don’t need to go to college.

7. Benjamin Graham On Value Investing
– This book im currently reading also
– But the core idea is to show you the lessons of value investing
– And also give you a deeper understanding of Benjamin graham

8. This is the Bible of investing ( security analysis by benjamin Graham and David Dodd)
– This is where you from less talking about value investing and more action on what exactly to look for and detailed explanation
– Its filled with examples of how to analize companies and more
– This is when it clicks or it doesn’t

9.millionaire next door ( it’ll tell you that truth about becoming a millionaire )

10. Sam Walton: Made in America (it’s like your grandfather passing on all his information to you on value ) – Walmart




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*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies in which Tommy Bryson will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Tommy Bryson is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. I’m an Accountant but I’m not your Accountant, always review information with your Accountant/CPA and your Financial Advisor.