《一夜定情 Overnight love》
❤剧情简介:一个活泼洒脱的男孩(佟大为 饰)在云涯山风景区偶遇一位美丽楚楚的女孩(左小青 饰),被她忧郁的表情和冷漠的态度所吸引,于是主动上前搭讪。女孩的神秘和矛盾的情绪让男孩产生了极大的好奇心。然而,突然遭遇山洪的袭击,男孩毫不犹豫地冲向危险救了女孩。得知女孩刚失去双亲,陷入极度的痛苦中,男孩展现出阳光和幽默的个性,使女孩慢慢释然,并对他心存感激,心情也开始变得开朗起来。在那个雨夜的山林小店里,两人喝酒聊天,敞开心扉。女孩问男孩对幸福有何看法,男孩回答说幸福就是快乐,但女孩又问男孩在痛苦的时候该怎么做,男孩幽默地回答说可以一边骂街一边拼命地思考和思念幸福。这两颗年轻的心碰撞出激情与感动的火花。第二天清晨,男孩醒来却发现女孩已经消失不见。女孩留下一张纸条,在纸条中表达了对男孩的感谢,称他让自己度过了一个幸福美好的生日,并与他约定,如果他能在两年内找到她,她或许会成为他的妻子,给他一生的幸福。
A lively and free-spirited boy (Tong Dawei) encounters a beautiful girl (Zuo Xiaoqing) in Yunya Mountain Scenic Area. He is attracted by her melancholy expression and indifferent attitude, so he takes the initiative to approach her. The girl’s mystery and contradictory emotions make the boy very curious. However, when he was suddenly hit by a mountain torrent, the boy rushed to the danger without hesitation to save the girl. Knowing that the girl had just lost her parents and was in extreme pain, the boy showed a sunny and humorous personality, which slowly relieved the girl and her mood began to become cheerful. In the mountain forest shop on that rainy night, the two drank and chatted, opening their hearts. The two young hearts collided with sparks of passion and touching. The next morning, the boy woke up and found that the girl had disappeared. The girl left a note saying that he had given her a happy and beautiful birthday, and agreed with him that if he could find her within two years, she might become his wife and give him a lifetime of happiness.
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