《苦咖啡 Love as Bitter as Coffee》
主演:#胡歌 、#白冰 、#左小青 、#韩栋 、
虽然象牙塔早已失去了早年的光辉和荣耀,然而莘莘学子依然面临着校园生活和现实社会的断层。优异的成绩只属于过去,卓越的工作能力和处事方法却要在磕碰跌撞中学到。大学毕业没多久的女孩沈离(白冰 饰)进入一家公司上班,只不过职场前所未见的气氛和潜规则让她着实吃了一惊。企划部经理的秘书叶欣(左小青 饰)在公司内外人脉颇广,根基雄厚,可谓是当今成功职场女性的代表人物。和叶欣相比,沈离就好像一杯清澈见底、从没受过污染但又不值一文的白开水。到处踩雷的沈离幸运地得到了曾有过一面之缘的陈琮(胡歌 饰)以及海外归来的新任经理林立琛(郭栋 饰)的帮助与呵护。
Depicts the struggles faced by young people leaving school for the killing field of society. Hu Ge and Michelle Bai reunite after the big-budget costume adventure series The Myth in the modern setting of the corporate world, which is quite a refreshing change for the popular leading man. Badly impacted by the credit crunch in America, Shanghai electronics giant Qi Ming needs to fight for survival, so the director and the CEO have no choice but to implement unpopular measures like firing the old staff and hiring fresh graduates to replace them. Mid-level employee Ye Xin will stop at nothing to protect her job at Qi Ming and that of her brother-in-law Chen Cong. Ye Xin conspires with colleagues to oppress the inexperienced new recruit Shen Li, who finds herself attracted to fellow newcomer Lin Li Chen but unaware of her secret admirer, Chen Cong…
▶欢迎订阅【森宇热播剧场】: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGZgY9urf-stkr7cRUbQI1Q?sub_confirmation=1
#苦咖啡 #LoveasBitterasCoffee #森宇热播剧场 #大陆电视剧 #胡歌 #都市 #爱情